The latest show accomplishments are:
Hamaara`s Sameea Late Surprise RAE1 CDN1
On April 30th, 2011 she competed in her
first dance competition and now has her
CDN1 (Canine Dressage Novice 1) titel as well.
She was #1 and #2 Pom for Rally Obediencce in
and even placed in the top 15 for her group.
High in Class (1st place) in Advanced (Red Deer, AB,
April 2011)
third place in Advanced (Red Deer, AB, April, 2011)
Rally Advanced titel in Camrose, AB, March, 2011
fourth place in Rally Advanced A (Calgary, AB, March,
now got a High in Class the first trial ever and
finished her Rally Novice titel in her first three
(Camrose Oct 22, 2010 and titel Oct 24, 2010)
Her son:
Hamaara`s Blazin Firefighter
took Best in Breed in Camrose, AB (March, 2011)
had a Reserve Winner (Camrose, AB Oct 23, 2010)
and a Winners
(Camrose, AB Oct 24, 2010)
out of five boys in class and has his major!
Jandala Desperado
has a Winners (Edmonton, AB 2010) his major
and a Winners (Grande Prairie, AB 2010)
CH Jandala Mountain Man
did get his 3 point major first show ever
(Edmonton, AB 2007)
and finished his championship in two show weekends
as puppy
(Grande Prairie, AB 2007)
Mr Jingles Idefix
our first show dog got a Best Puppy (Grande Prairie